
Welcome to the FDA Facility Registration Portal for members of the Association of Food Industries (AFI).

  Renewal Period is Currently Active

We are currently performing facility registration biannual renewal for AFI members. The current renewal period began on October 1st, 2024 and will end on December 31, 2024. Registration renewals will be performed on a first-come, first-served basis, which means that it may take several days or weeks before you recieve renewal instructions from us. All registration renewals will be performed prior to the end of the current renewal end date.

Have Questions?

Please look at the links below, or submit an email to fdaregistration@afius.org


This password was provided to you by AFI.
  Can't Find Your Code?

Your AFI code is assigned to you based on your faclity registration number. Need to generate a new code?   Click here.